Our History

We got our start as the college on the hill in York, Nebraska. Over the past century, our campus has grown and expanded. Now, as a university, we continue to pursue educational excellence and transformation through faith. 

A History of York University

1890: The Beginning

1890年,联合兄弟教会与约克市民一起构思了 idea of  a church-related college.  On August 26, 1890, York College welcomed it's first class of students. In 1946, a merger with the Evangelical Church resulted in 学院的管理权移交给新成立的福音联合弟兄会(EUB) Church.

  • 1890-1894 Rev. J. George
  • 1894-1897 W. S. Reese
  • 1897-1913 Rev. W. E. Schell
  • 1913-1919 Rev. M. O. McLaughlin
  • 1919-1921 Dr. H. U. Roop
  • 1921-1924 Dr. W. O. Jones
  • 1924-1928 Rev. E. W. Emery
  • 1928-1938 Rev. J. R. Overmiller
  • 1938-1947 Dr. D. E. Weidler
  • 1947-1953 Dr. Walter E. Bachman
  • 1953-1956 Dr. A. V. Howland


burned building wreckage

1951: Tragedy Strikes

老美因,校园里最大的建筑,被烧毁,在灰烬中留下了梦想 of the United Brethren. The fire began in an upper portion of the building’s west side, perhaps due to some faulty wiring. The January 3rd fire occurred on a freezing night, and firefighters were plagued by low water pressure.  

       尽管失去了教室,学校管理人员还是决定继续上课 and the chemistry lab, within one day of the fire. But for all the brave faces, the 失去老梅因对约克的福音联合兄弟学院来说是致命的. 该学院在整个学年都保持开放,并又持续了三年 在1954年之前,欧洲银行终于关闭了它在约克的大门,把所有的东西都搬到了它的 Westmar, Iowa, campus. 

 从学校成立之初就有一个协议,学校的控制权将 如果管理机构决定关闭这所学院,就会移交给约克市. 正因为如此,市政府控制了财产和公司结构.




1954: Out of the Ashes

三位内布拉斯加州基督教会的牧师——赫谢尔·戴尔、唐纳德·迈克尔和戴尔·拉森——开始了 梦想和讨论教堂接管被遗弃的可能性 campus. 约克学院重新开放的第一步是一个电话 1954年5月18日,拉森(左)和戴尔(右)抵达约克时拍摄的. After several meetings with York banker E.A. Levitt, a new board of trustees was selected 到1956年5月,YC作为基督教会附属学院复兴. Harvey Childress became president.

Read Dale Larsen's 1966 dissertation: A History of York College


laresn phone booth




board 1956

1956: New Administration

1956年秋,新一届政府重新开放了约克学院,成为一所高级学院 89 students. 两年后,管理层建议YC专注于合伙人 学位课程,停止提供学士学位课程,并努力获得认证 与中北部学院和学校协会(NCA). In 1970, NCA awarded 约克学院是内布拉斯加州第一所获得该认证的大专院校 distinction.



  • 1955-1957 Harvey A. Childress
  • 1957-1960 Gene Hancock, Jr.
  • 1960-1978 Dr. Dale R. Larsen
  • 1978-1987 Dr. Gary R. Bartholomew
  • 1987-1991 Dr. Don Gardner
  • 1991-1995 Dr. Larry Roberts
  • 1995-1996 Dr. Garrett E. Baker
  • 1996-2009 Dr. R. Wayne Baker
  • 2009-2020 Dr. Steve Eckman
  • 2020-Present Dr. Samuel A. Smith




1994: Continued Growth

1988年,随着实力的增强,约克学院开始向高级学院过渡 support of both the York community and church constituencies. In the same year the 中北部协会批准学院颁发学士学位 文学学士学位,主修圣经研究和宗教研究. Approval of 艺术、科学、商业、教育和职业预科等几个分支的其他课程 pursuits soon followed. The college gained accreditation as a senior college in 1994. York's most recent reaffirmation accreditation visit took place in February 2014. The college is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

graduate 1994




Campus Expansion

随着一系列项目的开展,学校的实物资产稳步扩张 自20世纪90年代末以来涉及新建或重大改造的. The university 从1956年只有四座主要建筑,发展到拥有18个主要设施的校园 on 50 acres that serve the needs of a growing student body. A park-like atmosphere 毗邻百年老屋和砖砌街道的社区提供了一个经典 collegiate setting.




Continued Growth 

主要的金融稳定和增长是在奥巴马总统任期内实现的. Steve 埃克曼是约克学院第20任校长,他于2009年开始任职. 

为了扩大YC在全球的影响力,YC启动了在线研究生课程 in 2010. 校园里又增建了几栋建筑,而学院则是永久性的 funds tripled and enrollment set new records. 







2014: Beyond 125

为了庆祝125周年的服务,约克学院于2009年发起了“超越125”活动 2014 with the goal of raising $10.7 million for scholarships, campus improvements, and programs. The college saw the highest involvement from alumni, as 33.9% made a gift. The goal was eclipsed and the total amount raised was $16.8 million, making “超越125”活动是美国历史上最成功的筹款活动 college.  这场运动包括建造巴塞洛缪表演艺术中心 中心,塔奇顿棒球俱乐部会所,以及克莱顿古代博物馆的创建 History. 为学生奖学金和捐赠筹集的资金超过了9美元.5 million during the campaign. Long term debt decreased by over $1 million while the college’s 捐赠增加到1400万美元,是其历史上最大的数额.



2019: Major Makeover

大学历史上最大的翻新工程改造了最古老的建筑 original to campus, Hulitt Hall. Thanks to a $3 million gift provided to kick-start 这个项目,这个年久失修的结构,被改造成了一个 focal point on campus. 

胡利特大厅现在设有行政办公室,几个会议室,一个执行官 board room and a classroom.

hulitt hall




york u arch

2022: A New Name, Same Mission

金沙js06c董事会于2021年1月15日投票通过了该法案 the name York University.  The transition was announced September 23, 2021, by Dr. Sam Smith ’95 during his inauguration as the institution’s 21st president. It was decided that "University" better describes 约克作为一所提供本科的综合性高等教育机构 and graduate programs. Recent record enrollments, tripling of the permanent endowment 在过去的十年中,持续的筹款成功提供了正确的动力 and time to make the transition. The transition is undergirded by a recently launched $15.9 million fundraising campaign, To Honor and To Serve

The name change also honors the late Dr. Dale Larsen, York College's fourteenth president, 是谁对学校的远见卓识让他不知疲倦地重新开放了这所关闭的学校 in 1956. 在他对校园的最后一次评论中,他在演讲中传递了一段录音信息 他说:“我们相信,在未来的几年里,情况将会相反 我们甚至可以称他们为(我们的校友)前约克学院学生 former York University students.” While Dr. Larsen’s words were always carefully measured, his dream for the institution was bold and irrepressible.

Panther Athletics

金沙js06c有着悠久的大学比赛传统,也是18黑豹队的主场 Athletic teams. 近年来,大学一直被认可 the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA),因为它致力于在竞争环境中培养个性的项目. 这些年来,黑豹学生运动员取得的卓越成就是一种致敬 to the teams, coaches.  The York University Panthers have competed in the Kansas Collegiate Athletic Conference (KCAC) since 2015.

Panther Athletics

York U Now:

The university's 7,500 alumni reside in every U.S. state and several countries. Recent 秋季入学人数平均约为650人,其中450人在校学习,200人注册 in online classes. 目前就读金沙js06c的学生占35人 states and twenty countries. As has been the case from its founding, the continuing 大学的重点是通过基督为中心的教育和改变生活 准备每位学生为上帝、家庭和社会服务的生活.